Everything you wanted to know about cigars but were afraid to ask

Definitions of Terminology Used

Anilla: papier band on the cigar, which is used to identify the brand.
Calibre (cepo or ring gauge): diameter of the cigar.
Capa (wrapper): the leaves used to wrap the Tripa and the Capote.
Capote (binder): the leaves used to wrap the Tripa.
Catadores: from the factory assigned employees, which try the cigars on a daily bases, to verify the quality.
Cepo: ring gauge.
Claro: tonality of the light brown color of the wrapper.
Colorado: tonality of the chestnut brown color of the wrapper.
Colorado claro: tonality of the interim brown color of the wrapper.
Colorado maduro: tonality of the dark brown color of the wrapper.
Figurado: a cigar, which presents a pointed end.
Fortaleza: the sensation of the strength, which the smoke provokes in the throat of the smoker with every puff.
Galera: a place where the cigars are prepared.
I.S.: International Shape.
Largo: length of the cigar.
Liga: the mixture of the leaves used, which characterizes the cigar.
Ligero: leaves that are harvested in the higher part of the tobacco plants and that give the strength to the cigar.
Maduro: tonality of the mahogany-dark brown color of the wrapper.
Medio tempo: leaves that are harvested in the top part of the tobacco plants.
Puro: a cigar, which is exclusively prepared with leaves from the resulting country.
Seco: leaves that are harvested in the interim part of the tobacco plants and give aroma to the cigar.
Tercio: ball of untreated tobacco.
Thirds (first, second and third): parts in which the cigar gets divided.
Torcedore: employee who rolls the cigars.
Tripa (filler): leaves which compose the filling of the cigar.
Tripa corta: a filling, which is composed of the cuts, pieces and damaged leaves.
Tripa larga: a filling with whole leaves.
Vitola: module or format of the cigar with an established diameter and length.
Vitola de galera: unique name, which is attributed to distinguish the different formats, independent of the name hich is will be given to the cigar. (Marevas, Prominentes, etc…)
Vitola de salida: name attributed to the commercial end. And changes from each marca. (Siglo VI, Serie D no. 4, etc…)
Volado: leaves, which are harvested at the bottom of the tobacco plants. Fundamental for the combustion of the cigar.

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